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Achtergrond About me Website poging 2002

First of all, thank you for taking the time to look at my blog! 


I have always loved cooking, baking and food in general. Only recently I have discovered photography. I try to incorporate the two so the food I am talking about will hopefully look just as yummy in the photos as it sounds in the text. 


In 2012 my life has been turned completely upside down due to a traffic accident. I sustained a brain injury and because of that I had to change my life drastically. Luckily I am and will be someone with a positive mind. In 2019 I went to the United States for a treatment that has been really helpful so far. It is still a lot of trial and error in finding out what works and what does not. Via this blog I try to keep you updated on this process and how I am dealing with all of this. 


This blog will be a mix of messages on food and of more personal messages about me, my brain injury and my tips to make the best out of everyday!  

I hope that you will enjoy reading this blog and that in some cases it will actually be of use to you as well! If you would like to know more, if you would like to share something with me of if you just want to compliment me (always welcome) then please do not hesitate to contact me through the form underneath. 




Bedankt voor de inzending!


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